black and white bed linen

Professional Residential Painting

Transform your home with our interior and exterior painting services for homes, apartments, and condominiums.

Residential Painting

Transform your home with our professional interior and exterior painting services.

black and white throw pillows on gray couch
black and white throw pillows on gray couch
Knockdown Ceilings

Add texture and style to your ceilings with knockdown finishes.

a living room filled with furniture and a mirror
a living room filled with furniture and a mirror
white wooden table with chairs
white wooden table with chairs
brown wooden seat beside white wooden table
brown wooden seat beside white wooden table
Venetian Plaster

Create a luxurious and elegant look with venetian plaster finishes.

Baker Custom Painting did an amazing job painting the interior of my home. I highly recommend their services!

Sara T.

woman wearing black crew-neck shirt
woman wearing black crew-neck shirt
white bird on brown wooden table
white bird on brown wooden table
